A. 用买家号去找客服, 说觉得这个产品很好,但是配送时间太长之类的,问大概什么时候到货。因为平台是注重买家体验的,所以他们会去反馈处理。 B. 预留数量太少的时候, 也可以催促前台客服,说想要大量采购,需要产品尽快在售。
晚上开英文case, 说已经到仓了一周了, 但是还没上架, 会影响我们的售卖之类的。 Dear Amazon Seller Support, My inventory was delivered to your fulfillment center over a week ago, but it is still not listed as available for sale. Shipment ID: [Your Shipment ID] ASINs: [List of ASINs] Could you please expedite the receiving process? This delay is affecting my business. Thank you for your assistance. Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Store Name]
方法三:卖家号, 在后台申请尺寸测量。
开case要求亚马逊重新测量产品的体积和重量,就说产品运输费错误,要求重新测量,这样因为亚马逊仓库没有货物可以测量,就会优先处理你的货件。 A. Case中文大意:您好, ASIN:B0xxxxxxx, 这个产品的FBA运费和我们自己合算的不太一样, 麻烦帮我们重新测量一下尺寸和重量,感谢!B. 简单的英文模板:Hello, The FBA shipping fee for ASIN: B0xxxxxxx is different from our own calculation. Could you please remeasure the dimensions and weight for us? Thank you!C. 说到这里,补充个小知识:如果你前期测品的时候用的包装比较大,后面改进缩小了体积,可以要求亚马逊重新测量,亚马逊测量确认后,会把之前多收你的配送费赔付给你的。
此方法不要过于局限,不仅仅适用于明显的季节性产品, 普通产品搭点边的也可以。Case时间选在晚上, 英文客服在线的时候。A. Case中文大意:您好, 我的货件编码是*****,在几天前已经成功送到亚马逊仓库了,但是直到现在一直没有任何上架信息我们是季节性产品,现在已经全面断货,如果不能尽快上架的话,将极大影响我们的销售,并且很容易造成产品积压。请帮我们确认下目前货物状态,是否有货件丢失或者其他问题。 B. 英文case模板:Dear Amazon Support Team, My shipment with ID FBAXXXXXX and UPS logistics order number 1Z7687XXXXXXXX arrived at the Amazon warehouse a few days ago, but it has not yet been listed. Our products are seasonal, and we are currently out of stock. If the products are not listed soon, it will severely impact our sales and could lead to overstock issues. Could you please confirm the status of my shipment and let me know if there are any problems, such as a lost shipment or other issues? Your prompt assistance in expediting the listing process would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help. Best regards, [Your Name] C. Case路径:【帮助】--【调查丢失或者残损的亚马逊物流库存】 (虽然没有丢失也没有残损,但是可以通过这个路径开CASE, 没有问题的)之后等待回复就好了。 方法六:卖惨。之前看到有卖家说用卖惨的方法去开case, 申请早点上架, 也是有用的。 比较夸张的就是卖家一人离婚带三娃, 靠亚马逊谋生, 现在补不上货会严重影响生活什么的。示例:Dear Amazon Seller Support, I am a single mother, managing my Amazon business while taking care of my child. We rely on Amazon for our livelihood, and I greatly appreciate the platform. I recently restocked some inventory. The shipment ID is FBAxxxxxxxxxx, and the tracking number is XXXXXXXXXX. It has been at the fulfillment center for a week but is not yet available for sale. This product is almost out of stock, and I am worried that this delay will severely impact our business and livelihood. Could you please help expedite the listing process? Thank you very much for your assistance. Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Store Name]对于这些解决方法,我觉得大部分建议都是不错的,唯独对于第4个方法要格外慎重。因为一旦你告诉亚马逊已经贴错了条码,很可能就会有客服直接暂停ASIN销售,要等确认清楚后才能恢复销售,这不就是搬起石头砸自己的脚吗?另外在和亚马逊客服沟通时,千万不能情绪暴躁,态度要礼貌温和,但立场必须坚定。要注意的是既要有理有据,保持克制,绝对不要骂客服,否则遇到一个爱搞事的客服,可能会给你带来意想不到的麻烦。